6 Week Open Studio

6 Week Open Studio


This is for those who have experience working with clay and would benefit most from open studio time, rather than a guided class. This is only for those who are very well versed in ceramic techinques, and use these techniques intuitively. Instruction and demonstrations from ESPS staff will be very minimal.

  • You will reserve studio time via the ESPS google doc, in three hour time slots

  • up to 9 hours a week of open studio time and 3 hours of glaze time each week.

  • Use of our 40+ glazes

  • Access to all shop tools.

  • Includes bisque firings, low & mid electric firings, regular cone 10 gas firings

    Once registered, you will receive an email with more details and all you’ll need to know about the next session at East Side Pot Shop. We look forward to working with you!

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